Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

I know St. Patrick's day is the holiday coming up and Easter is next after that, but I wanted to introduce my Mother's Day cards!  Mother's day has always been a special holiday for me. When I was young, we would always celebrate with a special breakfast for my mom, who is a very special person to me.

She is the best example of a terrific mom.  She is a great mom because she always knows how and when I need a helping hand and she is one of my most favorite people to hang out with.  I feel like I was born with a built in friend, who will always love and believe in me.  I am so lucky to have her as a mom...and a friend.  

We would also celebrate with my grandma for lunch or dinner.  We would go out with her to a special restaurant, which would be nice.  We continued this tradition until I became a mom in 2007.  Now we celebrate at my house.  My husband, Omar, who is the best husband, makes all the meals for the day.  He usually makes a brunch for all of us moms - my grandma, my mom and myself (sometimes even a friend of ours whose husband is in the military).  He definitely treats us to very good food and we have a great time socializing.  Omar's mom has lived out-of-town since we were in high school, so normally he celebrates with her on the telephone.  

This holiday will always be special for me because we have always made it a point of getting together with all the mothers in our family.  I feel very lucky to celebrate another one together this year.  Here's to celebrating mothers and all that they do.


  1. Hi Lela! I love stopping by and seeing all of your cards. I left you a little love on my blog - check under "Sweet Blogger"

    Hope you are doing well!

    Heidi :)

  2. You are so sweet to put me on your blog. You are a talented lady, who inspires to do more complex, skilled work. I love all your photos of the girls. Hope you are enjoying this lovely California weather.

