Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Well,  I have been working on Valentine's cards since September of last year.  Why so early do you ask?  Well, I wanted to provide a good variety of cards for my craft shows, which started in late September.  
All this early hard work paid off, when a friend of mine emailed me a request for 30 Valentines cards.  You see she had not sent Christmas cards out this past year, so she thought that she would send Valentines cards instead.  She said that no matter what was going on in her romantic life, she always loved receiving a Valentine's Day card from her family.  I thought that was a cute idea.  She just had a few things that she needed:1) no "romantic I love you" cards because they were going to be for her friends and family 2) half were for men and half for women and 3) they needed to be to her by the end of the week.  So, I started to look at my supply, I had 13 cards that would work but about 6 that had to be modified for the romantic theme.  Then, I got to work on the remaining 17, which were hard because most of them had to be somewhat masculine (which I normally don't do).  I checked with Omar, my husband, on several occasions to make sure they looked like something a guy would like.  Then, there was the challenge of getting them completed by the end of the week.  Normally, I would have no problem with it but my birthday was on that Wednesday, which would be a non-work day because we had made plans to go to Yosemite for the day.  Then, Halima and Omar got sick with a really bad cold (they had a fevers and bad coughs).  As anyone knows who has a toddler, colds come in and out of the house like the wind but it is never easy, especially when other people in the house get sick and you have a busy week.  By late Thursday night, I had completed the job.  Luckily, on Friday, I was able to meet with my friend and I delivered the cards in person.  She thought that they were beautiful.
I truly enjoyed the opportunity to complete these cards for a friend, who is an inspiration to us all.  My friend, Emily runs a non-profit organization called Asylum Access (, where they assist refugees that are seeking political asylum.  It is such important work.  I feel that she is a remarkable, intelligent woman, who is also a good friend.  I appreciate her thinking of me when she wanted to do something special for her family and friends on Valentine's Day.  
Below are some photos from the project.  I will be launching the "candy cards" on etsy ( today for New Card Wednesdays.

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